Power of Confidence ip Location BOTNETS

There are two main types of cyberattacks: targeted attacks and robot attacks.


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Power of Confidence ip Location BOTNETS


If robots attack, hackers exploit known vulnerabilities in hundreds or even thousands of servers and make them “zombies” in their robots. Once infected, they use these zombies as part of their robots to automatically carry out their attacks, infecting and controlling more and more devices. On a weak server, Android networks are responsible for an average of 40% of web traffic.


  • High pressure on the server

  • Unreliable connections

  • Slow Locations

How do we differ from other IP reputation solutions?

Power Trust IP Location in Cloud Coden

The revolutionary force Cloud Coden is our database that contains information about 7000000 IP addresses worldwide. Each server protected by Hayat Host receives the latest updates in which IP addresses are secure and which are harmful. With the addition of each new server, the strength of the defensive shield increases. If an attack occurs on a server protected by CloudCodin and the IP is blocked, it will not only be blocked on this server but on each server protected by CloudCodin protected worldwide. This cutting-edge technology is an exclusive feature of Cloud Codeine called Defense Network.

In addition to the power of global listings created by our defense network, you can also manage your IP listings at the user level by adding individual IP addresses, IP domains, countries and even ASNs to them.

We have also designed a reputational IP list that is the first of its kind in the industry to go beyond typical black and white listings. Our grey list makes IP management more flexible and provides a more convenient way to deal with false positives, while still blocking potentially harmful orders. Gray list IP addresses can be deleted by valid human visitors simply by completing the CAPTCHA test or checking browsing integrity.

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What is the defence network?

Our defense network refers to information about harmful IP addresses that are shared by all protected Cloud Codein servers around the world. With each new server added to the Cloud Coden community, each Cloud Codin-protected server is increasingly protected.


greylist is a flexible approach to distinguish between honest human visitors and malicious robots. Our CAPTCHA page will be displayed or browser safety (BIC) checked for existing Ips in grey. By successfully completing it, real visitors can continue to browse without problem, while Android software will be blocked from accessing your servers.

How does the CAPTCHA test or browser safety check work?

When the IP address sends a suspicious order to a Cloud Coden-protected server, the IP address is placed in the grey list first. If a valid human visitor tries to connect to the server from the gray-listed IP address on HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP or FTP protocol, they can delete the IP address with the help of CAPTCHA or Browser Integrity Check. These are used to make it easier for people to confirm that it’s a real order and continue browsing.

A Kuwaiti-European company headquartered in  Kuwait City, which specializes in hosting and developing software systems and websites  and is one of the leaders in the list of hosting services  in many  Arab and European countries.