Server Management

Maximum server protection tools for hosting providers from Advanced Server Management


Get rid of endless customer complaints now!

Enjoy the speed, power, security and advanced management of cloud servers from cloudcoden

We support the systems you prefer!

More than 40 services you can protect

Without a control panel

Comparison of advanced cloud server management levels

Enjoy the speed, power, security and advanced management of cloud servers from cloudcoden


Number of accounts on the server

Test the components of hardware

The solution of the problems of hardware

Solving network problems

Retrieve Login Data

Re-installation of the operating system

The Periodic System Updates

Firewall layer

Handle unexpected issues and gaps

Secure Operating System

Early detection layer

Brute force attack detection layer

Securing PHP Work Environment

Managing backup processes

Control records

Real server performance monitoring

Adjusting the database server

Cash systems

Adjust the performance of services

The transfer of websites from a different server

Installation of the custom software

Setup and Monitoring of The RAID array

The distribution of load balancing.

MySQL Clustering Technique

Database Gaps

Security check momentarily

Quarantine harmful files

Check the versions of the old applications

Check outbox email-(spam)

Request server and server management plans

The company provides the best engineers and specialists in the field of cybersecurity and server management, to ensure the continuity of the level of technical support that your server needs, through server management plans at premium prices.

FAQs for server management

24/7 technical support

What's this?

It is a multi-layered security system for Linux environments to automatically block cyber attacks at any threat level using a set of specific machine learning tools and the power of our community. It’s powerful, fast to deploy, and easy to use with just a few clicks.

Who is this administration for

A site running in a Linux environment, shared web hosting providers , anyone with multiple websites , or VPS if your profile is about website hosting

What are you doing, or what are you doing

It makes your server secure and gives you peace of mind saves your valuable time and resources by protecting your servers and websites from attacks. Relieves DDOS. Protects against bot attacks.

?Why are we the best

A specialized solution for shared web hosting providers, a complete set of tools and Solutions (a set of best practices in one), protected by a global cloud-based defense network, providing centralized management of multiple servers, the market-leading solution, the first of its kind .

What are the practical benefits?

Significantly reduces server alerts, reduces the load of your server, thereby improving its performance, increases server uptime and SLAs, increases the satisfaction of your customers .

How many attacks per month per average client?

Hackers attack an average of 2.244 times a day. (University of Maryland) 69% of institutions do not believe that the threats they see can be blocked by antivirus software. (Ponemon Institute) 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses. Even the largest hosting providers are not immune from common security vulnerabilities. In 2019, GoDaddy, one of the largest domain registrars in the world, suffered a breach that affected 28,000 customers.

A company specialized in providing hosting services, software development, and website creation. We offer our services to clients in numerous Arab and European countries. We excel in delivering high-quality hosting services and are listed among the leading companies in this field.